

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
When Nothing Else Has Worked


Natural therapies integrative medicine San Diego holistic doctors health clinic

Natural Therapies & Integrative Medicine San Diego

We utilize natural therapies for both the prevention and treatment of health problems.

Our Wellness Programs are designed specifically for individuals living with, recovering or trying to avoid a variety of health issues. Our team of wellness professionals will provide you with individualized programs to help you reach your health goals and live a healthier lifestyle.

Conditions Addressed:


Acupressure Allergy Relief (AAR) (NAET) is a clinically proven treatment that is highly effective in relieving the symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. The AAR treatment does not rely on the use of medications, herbal remedies or supplements. The treatment is safe, painless and available to all ages, including infants.

Allergies and sensitivities are caused by an unusual or exaggerated response of sensitive individuals to certain substances. This type of biological hypersensitivity occurs in sensitive individuals, while remaining harmless in similar amounts and circumstances in others.

Undiagnosed allergies produce symptoms, illnesses, even chronic diseases like migraine, asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, immune disorders, hyperactivity, arthritis, anxiety and depression. Allergic reactions can affect every system and organ in the body.

AAR is a blending of the non-invasive procedures from Western and Asian healing practices that help to eliminate allergies of all kinds, permanently. It is a specific treatment procedure formulated by applying Chinese Medicine principles applied through acupressure and kinesiology. The treatment is geared to re-program the brain’s negative responses towards the allergen(s) to a positive response whenever these substances are contacted in the future. This treatment is based on the Chinese Medicine principle that “no disease is possible when your body is in perfect balance”.
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Natural – Holistic -Functional, Integrative Medicine San Diego


Allergic reactions occur when your immune system misidentifies a substance, called an allergen, as harmful. Allergens come into contact with your body through inhalation, swallowing or touching. Your immune system responds by releasing chemicals that attack the allergen, which causes an allergic reaction.

Allergies/Sensitivities Can Affect Multiple Systems In The Body, ResultingIn:

  • Headaches
  • Asthma,
  • Skin disorders,
  • Digestive disorders,
  • Irritability,
  • Mood swings
  • Depression,
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue,
  • Tachycardia
  • Inflammation

We treat allergies with Acupressure Allergy Relief (AAR).

AAR is a safe, painless, clinically proven treatment that is highly effective in relieving the symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.

The AAR treatment does not rely on the use of medications, herbal remedies or supplements. The treatment is available to all ages, including infants.

AAR is a blending of the non-invasive procedures from Western and Asian healing practices that help to eliminate allergies of all kinds, permanently. It is a specific treatment procedure formulated by applying Chinese Medicine principles applied through acupressure and kinesiology. The treatment is geared to re-program the brain’s negative responses towards the allergen(s) to a positive response whenever these substances are contacted in the future. This treatment is based on the Chinese Medicine principle that “no disease is possible when your body is in perfect balance”.

Chemo Brain

Definition of Chemo Brain:

Changes in memory, attention, concentration, and abilities to perform various mental tasks after receiving chemotherapy treatments for cancer.


  • Forgetting important things like dates, names, place, or appointments
  • Confusion
  • Difficulty concentrating, focusing or paying attention
  • Trouble finding the right word for common objects
  • Fatigue
  • Short attention span
  • Mental fogginess or disorientation
  • Difficulties with judgment or reasoning
  • Impaired math & organizational skills
  • Problems performing multiple tasks
  • Behavioral and emotional changes, such as irrational behavior, mood swings, inappropriate anger or crying

Risk Factors:

  • Potency of chemo or radiation
  • Whole brain radiation therapy
  • Certain types of cancer (particularly brain cancer)
  • Stress
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Menopause
  • Medications
  • Depression
  • Low blood counts
  • Emotional upheaval of cancer


  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Hormone therapy
  • Immunotherapy
  • Anemia
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies


  • Neurofeedback
  • Nutritional supplementation – B vitamins,EPA/DHA omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, acetyl -carnitine, bacopa, ginkgo, co-enzyme Q-10, vitamin D, C and amino acid supplementation to balance neurotransmitters
  • Nutritional analysis to correct electrolyte imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, anemia and sleep problems
  • Metabolic detoxification to support the overloaded detoxification pathways
  • GI (gut)Restoration Program
  • Aerobic exercise program
  • Stress reduction program
  • Therapeutic massage


“Efficacy of EEG Biofeedback in Addressing Cognitive Dysfunction in Cancer Survivors by Jean Alverez, Ed.D, David Granoff, Psy.D and Allan Lundy, Ph.D.
Diagnostic Imaging of ChemoBrain Phenomenon”, Rachel Lagos, Gary Marano, Jame Abraham, Marc Haut, and Sara Kurian; presented at 98th scientific assembly and annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America in Chicago on 27 November, 2012
Stanford University study 2012-2014 on Neurofeedback and Breast Cancer Survivors


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Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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