Nothing is more heartbreaking that seeing a baby in pain. Here are some tips that may help eliminate or reduce your baby’s distress.
- Food allergens are the most common cause of baby colic. If you are breastfeeding, eliminate the most common food allergens for at least 2 weeks.
- The most common food allergens include dairy, wheat, corn, oats, barley, soybean, eggs, shellfish, citrus, peanuts and spicy foods.
- Babies immature digestive systems can react to allergens in breast milk.
- Steam or cook your vegetables as these tend to cause less gas in babies.
- Eliminate gas forming foods like beans or raw cruciferous vegetables.
- If your baby is on a formula, the most common allergens in formula are whey protein from milk and soybean.
- Try a hypoallergenic amino acid based or predigested milk protein formula.
- Gripe water or activated charcoal can absorb gas and may be helpful.
- Try a baby probiotic.
- Homeopathic Nat Phos 6X (dissolve 1/2 tablet a little in breast milk or hypoallergenic formula)
- Place fennel oil, peppermint oil and ginger oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil and rub into babies stomach area.
The number of colicky babies coming in to my office has risen dramatically over the past 10 years. A great video that helps to explain why is a TED talk on You Tube given by Robyn O’Brien. All parents should watch this video.
Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions.