

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
When Nothing Else Has Worked

Category: Uncategorized


On : 21 May, 2023

In : Uncategorized


Getting a Good Night’s Sleep If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try these 3 safe and effective tips. I have seen it help many of my patients! Take 5 pellets of Coffee Crudea at bedtime and repeat it you wake up. This homeopathic remedy helps to relieveRead more

Top 4 Steps to Decrease Your Risk Of Contracting a Virus

On : 02 January, 2023

In : Uncategorized


 Top 4 Steps to Take to Decrease Your Risk of Contracting a Viral Infection 1. Turn off the news and scroll past negative, scary posts. Fear and anger cause you to be stressed and stress decreases your immunity. Stress occurs when life events surpass your abilities to cope. It causes yourRead more

Benefits of Neutralizing the Acid in Your Coffee

On : 31 May, 2022

In : Uncategorized


If drinking coffee causes you digestive upset, you may want to neutralize the acid in your morning cup of brew. By simply adding just a pinch of baking soda to your coffee you could neutralize the acid to avoid stomach upset and help counteract acid reflux. According to Harvard HealthRead more

Metformin vs Berberine for Type 2 Diabetes

On : 22 May, 2022

In : Diabetes , Uncategorized


Did you know that you may be able to completely reverse type 2 diabetes by following dietary and lifestyle changes that eliminate sugar and starches. Berberine for Type 2 Diabetes has been shown to be as effective as diabetes medication. Berberine can effectively lower blood sugar, help with weight lossRead more

Could The Gut-Brain Connection Be The Cause Of Your Anxiety & Depression?

On : 22 March, 2022

In : Uncategorized


What Does Your Gut Have To Do With Your Mood? If you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, you know how devastating it is to your life. Being anxious and depressed may also be accompanied by physical symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or heartburn. You’ve probably been told thatRead more

How to Increase HDL & Lower Lipoprotein A in Type 2 Diabetes

On : 18 October, 2020

In : Uncategorized


Study demonstrates an increase in HDL and lower lipoprotein(a) in type 2 diabetes patients with this nutritional intervention There are only a few natural products that have demonstrated such a wide range of protective properties as curcumin. Turmeric has three main bioactive components, namely curcumin, desmethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. These curcuminoidsRead more

Functional Medicine Study published in JAMA

On : 01 November, 2019

In : Uncategorized


In a study published in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), Functional Medicine patients exhibited significantly larger improvements than patients at a family medicine center. The findings suggest that Functional Medicine may have the ability to improve global health in patients.Read more

Gut Healing Dinner In Less Than 12 Minutes

On : 25 May, 2019

In : Uncategorized


  Gut Healing Dinner In Less Than 12 Minutes Need a quick and easy gut-healthy dinner recipe?? This easy to make avocado salmon salad is a gut-healing meal you’ll love. Keep Reading Are you tired and hungry at the end of the day??  I make this meal often because itRead more

On : 25 May, 2019

In : Uncategorized


  WHAT LEADS TO POOR GUT HEALTH, BLOATING AND BELLY PAIN? In order to relieve your bloating and belly pain, it’s important to understand what can trigger it. Factors such as imbalanced gut bacteria, stress, medications and even hormone imbalances can be potential triggers. Your body is home to trillionsRead more

Is Your Gut Problem Causing Bone Loss?

On : 25 May, 2019

In : Uncategorized


  Is Your Gut Problem Causing Bone Loss?  Can Your Gut Microbes Affect Your Bone Health?  Newly conducted research performed at Michigan State University and published in the journal Current Osteoporosis Reportsreported finding the existence of a relationship between the health of your gut and the health of your bone.Read more


About Us

Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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