

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
When Nothing Else Has Worked

Month: March 2013

78% Reduction in ADHD Symptoms With Elimination Diet

On : 29 March, 2013



Effects of a restricted elimination diet on the behaviour of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (INCA study): a randomised controlled trial Dr Lidy M Pelsser MSc et al The Lancet, Volume 377, Issue 9764, Pages 494-503, 5 February 2011 Summary Background The effects of a restricted elimination diet in childrenRead more

Allergic Rhinitis in Children with ADHD

On : 29 March, 2013

In : Allergy


Allergic rhinitis in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Ashley Brawley, MD et al Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Volume 92, Issue 6, Pages 663-667, June 2004 Background Both allergic rhinitis and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are common pediatric conditions associated with learning difficulties and sleep disturbances. There are conflicting research dataRead more

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Deficiency and ADHD

On : 26 March, 2013

In : Uncategorized


PURDUE UNIVERSITY STUDY FINDS LINK BETWEEN FATTY ACID DEFICIENCY & ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD) 2ND STUDY TO EXPAND UPON THIS PHENOMENON Purdue University researchers found in a June, 1996 study that boys with low blood levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids, have a greater tendency to have problems withRead more

Magnesium Supplementation Is Helpful For ADHD

On : 26 March, 2013

In : Uncategorized


The effects of magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Positive response to magnesium oral loading test. Magnes Res. 1997 Jun;10(2):149-56 Starobrat-Hermelin B, Kozielec T. Source Department of Family Medicine, Pomeranian Medical Academy, Szczecin, Poland. Abstract Children with ADHD are ‘a group at risk’Read more

Zinc Deficiency in ADHD

On : 26 March, 2013

In : Uncategorized


Zinc Deficiency in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Toren P. et al. Biological Psychiatry 40:1308-1310,1996 “…Children with ADHD had significantly lower zinc levels than control children. 30% of children with ADHD had severely deficient values. It is possible that low zinc values may result in depressed production of melatonin and serotoninRead more

Certain Foods Influence Symptoms of ADHD and Alter Brain Activity

On : 26 March, 2013

In : Uncategorized


Topographic mapping of brain electrical activity in children with food-induced attention deficit hyperkinetic disorder: Uhlig T, Merkenschlager A, Brandmaier R, Egger J Eur J Pediatr 1997 Jul;156(7):557-61. Institute for Child Health Research, Clinical Sciences Division, West Perth, Australia. “This investigation is the first one to show an association between brainRead more

Synthetic Food Coloring and ADHD Type Behavior

On : 26 March, 2013



Synthetic food coloring and behavior: A dose response effect in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, repeated measures study Rowe K and Rowe K. J. Pediatrics 125: 691-698, 1994. “This study demonstrated a functional relation between the ingestion of a synthetic food color (tartrazine) and behavioral change in 24 atopic (allergic) children, withRead more

Vitamin B-6 Supplementation As Effective as Ritalin for ADHD

On : 26 March, 2013



A preliminary study of the effect of pyridoxine administration in a subgroup of hyperkinetic children: a double blind crossover comparison with methylphenidate. Coleman M. et al. Biological Psychiatry 14: 741-751, 1979 “Results of the study indicates that vitamin B-6 at doses between 15-30 mg/kg body weight was effective as RitalinRead more

5-HTP Lowers Intensity of Panic Attacks

On : 21 March, 2013

In : Anxiety , Panic Attack


The Effect of 5-Hydroxytryptophan on Cholecystokinin-4-Induced Panic Attacks in Healthy Volunteers Eduard Maron, Innar Toru, Veiko Vasar, Jakov Shlik, Department of Psychiatry, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia Abstract Previous studies suggest a modulatory role of serotonin (5-HT) in experimentally-induced panic attacks. In the current study, we investigated the acute effectsRead more

Studies Show that 5-HTP Reduces Anxiety

On : 19 March, 2013

In : Anxiety


In the August 1998 issue of “Alternative Medicine Review,” a study found 5-HTP to be a clinically effective source of serotonin. As serotonin is an important neurotransmitter in the regulation of depression, anxiety, sleep and other parameters of well-being, 5-HTP may be used for anxiety if further scientific investigations proveRead more


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Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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