

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
When Nothing Else Has Worked

Month: December 2012

Valerian Extract Helps Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

On : 13 December, 2012

In : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder


Extract of Valerian Root (Valeriana Officinalis L.) vs. Placebo in Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Double-Blind Study Siroos Pakseresht, Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences Hatam Boostani, Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences Mehdi Sayyah, Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences Abstract Objective: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common neuropsychiatric condition. ManyRead more

Beta Blockers are Associated with Increase in Body Weight

On : 10 December, 2012

In : Hypertension , Obesity


International Journal of Obesity 35, 1395-1403 (November 2011) | doi:10.1038/ijo.2010.284 ARTICLE TOOL Metabolic sequelae of ?-blocker therapy: weighing in on the obesity epidemic? P Lee, A-P Kengne, J R Greenfield, R O Day, J Chalmers and K K Y Ho Abstract Background: Sympathetic activation is an important metabolic adaptation limitingRead more

Celiac Disease Can Lead to Deficiency of Vitamins D & K

On : 06 December, 2012

In : Celiac Disease , Constipation


Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and Hepatology 8, 660 (December 2011) Celiac disease: Lack of vitamins D and K affects bone health in celiac disease Claire Greenhill Abstract Children with celiac disease have poor bone health, even after 1 year on a gluten-free diet, according to a Canadian study. A low intakeRead more

Folate Recommendations for Pregnancy, Lactation & Infancy

On : 01 December, 2012

In : Pregnancy


“Higher folate requirements during pregnancy and lactation are difficult to meet by increased intake of folate-rich food products only….supplementation with folic acid is recommended not only to meet the higher requirements but also to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes such as neural tube defects (NTDs). Ann Nutr Metab 2011;59: 32-37 AbstractRead more

Hidden Allergies May Be Cause of Fatigue & Depression

On : 01 December, 2012

In : Allergy , Depression , Fatigue


By Rick Ansorge, Eric Metcalf and the editors of Prevention Health Books People with allergies know that their sniffling and sneezing is allergen-induced, but allergies don’t always present themselves with such typical symptoms. Sometimes allergic reactions can cause fatigue, headaches — or even depression. Chronic fatigue syndrome If you’ve beenRead more

Food Allergy and Arthritis

On : 01 December, 2012

In : Allergy , Arthritis , Autoimmune Disease


Clin Rheumatol. 1991 Dec;10(4):401-7. Diet and disease symptoms in rheumatic diseases–results of a questionnaire based survey. Haugen M, Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Nordvåg BY, Førre O. Source Department of General Practice, University of Oslo, Norway. Abstract Experiences with food intake, diet manipulations and fast were registered in rheumatic patients. The study wasRead more

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Food Allergy

On : 01 December, 2012

In : Allergy , Arthritis , Autoimmune Disease


Gut. 2006 Sep;55(9):1240-7. Epub 2006 Feb 16. The gut-joint axis: cross reactive food antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. Hvatum M, Kanerud L, Hällgren R, Brandtzaeg P. Source Laboratory for Immunohistochemistry and Immunopathology (LIIPAT), Institute of Pathology, Rikshospitalet, N-0027 Oslo, Norway. Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) often feelRead more


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Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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