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Reduction of PMS Symptoms From Taking Calcium, Magnesium and Chase Tree Berry

On : 24 January, 2013

In : PMS


Reduction of PMS Symptoms From Taking Calcium, Magnesium and Chase Tree Berry


Studies suggest that calcium levels are lower in women with PMS and that calcium supplementation may reduce the severity of symptoms. A large study looked at 1057 women with PMS and 1968 women without PMS. Women with the greatest intake of calcium from food sources had the least PMS symptoms.

Another study found that 300 mg of calcium carbonate four times a day significantly reduced bloating, depression, pain, mood swings, and food cravings.

Chaste Tree Berry

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) berry is one of the most popular herbs for premenstrual syndrome in Europe.

A study published in the British Medical Journal involving 178 women with PMS found that chaste tree berry significantly reduced PMS symptoms over three menstrual cycles. Women taking chaste tree had significant improvements in irritability, depression, headaches, and breast tenderness.

Theoretically, chaste tree berry may interact with hormones or drugs that affect the pituitary gland.


The mineral magnesium, found naturally in food and available in supplements, has showing good preliminary results for PMS. One study examined the use of magnesium supplements or placebo in 32 women with PMS. The amount of magnesium used was 360 mg three times a day, starting from day 15 to the start of the menstrual period. Magnesium supplements were found to significantly improve PMS mood changes.

Another study used 200 mg of magnesium or placebo for two menstrual cycles. By the end of the second month, magnesium was found to significantly reduce weight gain, swelling of the hands and legs, breast tenderness, and abdominal bloating.


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