

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
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Category: Pregnancy

Diet Impacts Risk of Preterm Delivery

On : 18 March, 2014

In : Pregnancy


A diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and some types of fish may reduce the risk of preterm delivery. This was discovered by an international team of researchers and published in the “British Medical Journal”. For the study, the drinking and eating habits of around 66,000 pregnant womenRead more

Post Partum Depression Related to Low Levels of Progesterone

On : 21 February, 2013

In : Depression , Post Partum Depression , Pregnancy


Maternity blues and major endocrine changes: Cardiff puerperal mood and hormone study II. B. Harris, L. Lovett, R. G. Newcombe, G. F. Read, R. Walker, and D. Riad-Fahmy Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff. BMJ. 1994 April 9: 308(6934):949-953 Abstract OBJECTIVES–To define relation between moodRead more

Nutrition Plays a Role in Reproductive Health

Nutrition plays a role in reproductive health DECEMBER 2006 At the 62nd Annual Meeting of the ASRM several new studies were highlighted for the impact nutrition has on the reproductive system Dian Shepperson Mills presented how nutritional therapy provides an effective method of improving fertility rates and reducing abdominal painRead more

Folate Recommendations for Pregnancy, Lactation & Infancy

On : 01 December, 2012

In : Pregnancy


“Higher folate requirements during pregnancy and lactation are difficult to meet by increased intake of folate-rich food products only….supplementation with folic acid is recommended not only to meet the higher requirements but also to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes such as neural tube defects (NTDs). Ann Nutr Metab 2011;59: 32-37 AbstractRead more

Probiotics May Lower Risk of Preeclampsia in Pregnant Women

On : 29 September, 2012

In : Hypertension , Preeclampsia , Pregnancy


Probiotics have been suggested to modify placental trophoblast inflammation, systemic inflammation, and blood pressure, all potentially interesting aspects of preeclampsia. The authors examined the association between consumption of milk-based probiotic products in pregnancy and development of preeclampsia and its subtypes. The study was performed in the Norwegian Mother and ChildRead more


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Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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