

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
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Category: PMS

8 Natural Tips for Menstrual Cramps

On : 15 February, 2016

In : Menstrual Cramps , PMS , Uncategorized


What Causes Menstrual Cramps? Inflammatory foods, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and stress are the major culprits causing menstrual cramps. The fat in dairy products, red meat and processed foods leads to the production of chemicals called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are the chemicals that cause uterine contractions and menstrual cramping Stress releases excessive amounts ofRead more

Ginger as Effective as Ibuprofen in Relieving Menstrual Cramps

On : 10 March, 2014

In : Endometriosis , Menstrual Cramps , PMS


J Altern Complement Med. 2009. Comparison of effects of ginger and ibuprofen on pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea. This was a double-blind comparative clinical trial. Participants were 150 students (18 years old and over) with primary dysmenorrhea from the dormitories of two medical universities who were alternately divided intoRead more

Overcome Endometriosis with Natural Medicine

On : 21 May, 2013

In : Endometriosis , PMS


Do you or someone you know suffer from the painful symptoms of endometriosis? In this article, I will provide safe and effective solutions with natural medicine. Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that normally lines your uterus (called the endometrium) starts to grow outside your uterus. It can grow on theRead more

Fish Oil Supplements Help Prevent Menstrual Cramps

On : 24 February, 2013

In : Menstrual Cramps , PMS


Fish oil supplements help prevent menstrual cramps Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain) are the most common gynecologic complaint and the leading cause of short-term absenteeism among adolescent schoolgirls. There is compelling evidence that menstrual pain is caused by the action of inflammatory prostaglandins and leukotrienes upon the uterus. These inflammatoryRead more

Menstrual Pain Correlated with Fat Intake

On : 24 February, 2013

In : Menstrual Cramps , PMS


Menstrual pain correlated with fat intake AARHUS, DENMARK. Menstrual pain (menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea) is believed to be associated with an elevated level of PG2 prostaglandins. PG2 prostaglandins are synthesized from the omega-6 fatty acid, arachidonic acid and are known to be pro-inflammatory. The formation of PG2 prostaglandins competes with theRead more

Magnesium Shown To Be An Effective Treatment For Menstrual Crampss

On : 24 February, 2013

In : Menstrual Cramps , PMS


Magnesium–a new therapeutic alternative in primary dysmenorrhea. Abstract 50 patients suffering from primary dysmenorrhoea were treated with Magnesium (Mg 5-longoral, Artesan GmbH) in a double-blind study. After a six-month period 21 out of 25 women showed a decline of symptoms, only 4 ones reported no therapeutical effect. For monitoring treatmentRead more

Reduction of PMS Symptoms From Taking Calcium, Magnesium and Chase Tree Berry

On : 24 January, 2013

In : PMS


Reduction of PMS Symptoms From Taking Calcium, Magnesium and Chase Tree Berry Calcium Studies suggest that calcium levels are lower in women with PMS and that calcium supplementation may reduce the severity of symptoms. A large study looked at 1057 women with PMS and 1968 women without PMS. Women withRead more

Fatty Acids Can Help Ease PMS Symptoms

On : 22 January, 2013

In : PMS


Study: Fatty acids can help ease PMS symptoms By the CNN Wire Staff STORY HIGHLIGHTS A study suggests esential fatty acids may help ease the symptoms of PMS The report found significant reductions in symptoms among women studied Such substances are found in nuts, some vegetable oils and fish, asRead more

Lower Risk of PMS in Women with High Intake of B Vitamins

On : 22 January, 2013

In : PMS


Dietary B vitamin intake and incident premenstrual syndrome Author Affiliations 1From the Departments of Public Health (POC-B, LC-T, CB, and ERB-J) and Nutrition (AGR), School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA; the Division of Preventive Medicine (JEM) and Channing Laboratory (JEM, SEH, and WCW), DepartmentRead more


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Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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