Acupressure Allergy Relief (AAR)
is a clinically proven treatment that is highly effective in relieving the symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.
The AAR treatment does not rely on the use of medications, herbal remedies or supplements. The treatment is safe, painless and available to all ages, including infants.
Allergies and sensitivities are caused by an unusual or exaggerated response of sensitive individuals to certain substances. This type of biological hypersensitivity occurs in sensitive individuals, while remaining harmless in similar amounts and circumstances in others.
Undiagnosed allergies produce symptoms, illnesses, even chronic diseases like Migraine, Eczema, Asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Immune disorders, Hyperactivity, Arthritis, Anxiety and Depression. Allergic reactions can affect every system and organ in the body.
AAR is a blending of the non-invasive procedures from Western and Asian healing practices that help to eliminate allergies of all kinds, permanently. It is a specific treatment procedure formulated by applying Chinese Medicine principles applied through acupressure and kinesiology. The treatment is geared to re-program the brain’s negative responses towards the allergen(s) to a positive response whenever these substances are contacted in the future. This treatment is based on the Chinese Medicine principle that “no disease is possible when your body is in perfect balance”.
Fabulous explanation by Robin O’Brien about the epidemic of food allergy in the United States
Conditions That May be Caused by Allergy/Sensitivity:
Symptoms may include eczema, skin rashes, hives, blisters and atopic dermatitis. The main cause of dermatological reactions is allergies/sensitivities to food but can also be caused by allergies to fabrics, detergents, plants, contactants and chemicals.
Allergy Relief Testimonial

Before Treatment
After Treatment
Within 3 days of seeing Dr. Mackenzie, my eczema was 75 percent gone! Many people have noticed the spiritual and physical changes in me. I am so grateful for this life changing and saving treatment she provided. It literally has been life altering. Recently, Dr. Mackenzie treated me for my soy allergy (in the past it was one of many foods that caused eczema and stomach pain.) It no longer has negative effects. In fact, I enjoyed 3 tablespoons of soy nut butter with an apple for my snack! As I have made so much progress in my healing. I’m finding what my body wants vs. what it needs, I no longer have eczema! To this day, I’m not on steroids of any kind and am not on depression and mood stabilizers. I no longer have depression, anxiety, and eczema! I’ve have never felt better in my life! I STRONGLY believe anyone can heal, just follow what she tells you, listen to your body and never give up! – Kelsey P
Reactions include acid reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), indigestion, heartburn, abdominal and intestinal pain, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting. These symptoms are primarily caused by food allergies or other ingestants.
Symptoms include sinusitis, hay fever, wheezing, asthma, chronic cough, shortness of breath, skin conditions, rashes and itchy, watery eyes. Reactions may be caused by allergies/sensitivities to foods, fungus, molds, pollens, dust, dust mites, chemicals and animals (including dog and cat dander and bird feathers), airborne substances and contactants.
Caused primarily by allergies/sensitivities to food such as eggs, dairy products, gluten containing products (wheat, oats, barley), corn, soy, citrus, peanuts, chocolate, wine, and caffeine, airborne irritants such as pollens, weeds, trees, grass and chemicals including household cleaners, perfumes, acids, salicylates and vehicle fumes.
Many allergy reactions to foods and environmental substances result in lethargy and feeling of fatigue.
Allergies/sensitivities can affect multiple systems in the body, resulting in headaches, irritability, hyperactivity, mood swings, depression, anxiety, fatigue, tachycardia or inflammation.
In children such reactions can manifest as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
:: Chemicals – household cleaners, perfumes, building materials, detergents, softeners and pestisides.
:: Household allergens can include carpet fibers and paint.
:: Occupational allergies such as indoor air pollution, latex and building materials.
:: Animals – dogs, cats, birds, rabbits or horses.
Allergens are categorized in the following groups
- Contactant
- Inhalant
- Ingestant
- Injectant
AAR can treat any substance or stimulus that causes a negative reaction, including:
- Shellfish
- Fruit
- Berries
- Melons
- Citrus
- Eggs
- Wheat
- Oats
- Corn
- Barley
- Dairy
- Soy
- Peanuts
- Coffee
- Chocolate
- Spices
- Wine
- Beer
- Pollens
- Trees
- Grasses
- Weeds
- Flowers
- Dust, Dust Mites
- Animal Dander
- Fabrics, Upholstery, Plastics
- Detergents, Cleaning agents
- Chemicals, Latex
- Perfumes
- Herbal Remedies
- Nutritional Supplements
- Fungus
- Molds
- Woods, Metals
- Stinging insects
- Salicylates
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