

Natural Medicine For Complicated Conditions
When Nothing Else Has Worked

Month: May 2013

The Real Cause of Gallbladder Attacks and How You Can Prevent Them

On : 24 May, 2013

In : Gall Bladder Attacks


Are you among the twenty million Americans who suffer with gallbladder disease? In this article, I will expose the real cause of gallbladder disease and what you can do to end the pain and discomfort of this degenerative disease. In 2008, my father had a gallbladder attack that landed himRead more

Overcome Endometriosis with Natural Medicine

On : 21 May, 2013

In : Endometriosis , PMS


Do you or someone you know suffer from the painful symptoms of endometriosis? In this article, I will provide safe and effective solutions with natural medicine. Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that normally lines your uterus (called the endometrium) starts to grow outside your uterus. It can grow on theRead more

Preventing Kidney Stones with Natural Medicine

On : 16 May, 2013

In : Kidney Stones


Are you tired of suffering from painful, recurring kidney stones? Do you have a close relative who has experienced this nightmare? Kidney stones tend to run in families. Learning how to prevent kidney stones from forming can save you a lot of pain and misery in the future, even ifRead more

Overcoming Anxiety With Natural Medicine and Stress Relief Technique

On : 10 May, 2013

In : Anxiety , Panic Attack


Are you one of the 3 million Americans who suffer from anxiety or panic attacks? In this article, I will provide safe and effective solutions with natural medicine. Many doctors overlook or misdiagnose panic disorder because they believe that the symptoms are psychosomatic. Fortunately, recent studies have shown that thisRead more

Study Shows Vitamin B6 May Reduce Risk of Kidney Stone Formation

On : 02 May, 2013

In : Kidney Stones


Intake of vitamins B6 and C and the risk of kidney stones in women. Curhan GC at al. Source Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA. Abstract Urinary oxalate is an important determinant of calcium oxalate kidney stone formation. High dosesRead more

Potassium & Magnesium Supplementation Shown to Decrease Risk of Kidney Stone Formation

On : 02 May, 2013

In : Kidney Stones


J Urol. 2007 Jun;177(6):2179-84. Reduction of renal stone risk by potassium-magnesium citrate during 5 weeks of bed rest. Zerwekh JE et al. Source Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard,Read more

Avoid Kidney Stones Through Diet

On : 02 May, 2013

In : Kidney Stones


Relationship of animal protein-rich diet to kidney stone formation and calcium metabolism. Breslau NA et al. Source Center in Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research, Department of Internal Medicine, Dallas, Texas. Abstract We wished to determine whether different types of dietary protein might have different effects on calcium metabolism and onRead more

Study Reveals A Healthy Diet Helps Prevent Kidney Stones

On : 02 May, 2013

In : Kidney Stones


Researchers have found another reason to eat well: a healthy diet helps prevent kidney stones. Loading up on fruits, vegetables, nuts, low-fat dairy products, and whole grains, while limiting salt, red and processed meats, and sweetened beverages is an effective way to ward off kidney stones, according to a studyRead more


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Traditional Naturopath & Functional Medicine Holistic Doctor San Diego Hi, I’m Dr Gaila and I help patient who suffer with belly pain, bloating and constipation and many other health conditions.Read more

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